
Coming soon: At-home sperm test for couples trying to conceive

(HealthDay) -- Women who are trying to conceive often use at-home products such as ovulation predictors and pregnancy tests, but the newest do-it-yourself test to help couples have a baby is for their male partners: A 10-minute ...


Keep infants out of sun and heat, experts warn

(HealthDay) -- Because infants are so much smaller than adults and lack the ability to sweat, heat and sun exposure pose specific risks for babies, experts say.

Medical research

The biology of fats in the body

When you have your cholesterol checked, the doctor typically gives you levels of three fats found in the blood: LDL, HDL and triglycerides. But did you know your body contains thousands of other types of fats, or lipids?

Biomedical technology

Building a better lab dipstick test

Lateral flow assays (LFAs, often called "dipsticks") have been a standard point-of-care testing platform for decades, and keep growing in popularity, especially in developing countries. These disposable, paper-based diagnostic ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

A molecular chain reaction in Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have identified the molecular mechanism behind the transformation of one of the components in Alzheimer's disease. They identified the crucial step leading to formations that kill ...


Sophisticated HIV diagnostics adapted for remote areas

Diagnosing HIV and other infectious diseases presents unique challenges in remote locations that lack electric power, refrigeration, and appropriately trained health care staff. To address these issues, researchers funded ...

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