Medical research

Researchers discover protein that promotes chemotherapy resistance

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cancer cells in the body. It is a systemic treatment where drugs travel throughout the body and destroy cancer cells that have spread (metastasized) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Bladder cancer—when to use chemotherapy

In patients with bladder cancer, chemotherapy effectiveness is partially determined by the body's immune system response to the malignancy. This is the conclusion of research conducted by a team of scientists from Charité ...

Oncology & Cancer

Starving gut bacteria to improve chemotherapy outcomes

Fasting before chemotherapy drastically increases the number and diversity of bacteria found in the gut and can improve treatment outcomes, a new study by University of Adelaide researchers has found.

Oncology & Cancer

Chemotherapy for rare cancer fine-tuned with organoids

A patient-specific tumor organoid model is being used to identify the most effective chemotherapy protocol to treat appendix and colon tumors, a personalized medicine approach that is showing promise. The organoids were created ...

Medical research

Nanoparticle for overcoming leukemia treatment resistance

UConn associate professor of pharmaceutics Xiuling Lu, along with professor of chemistry Rajeswari M. Kasi, was part of a team that recently published a paper in Nature Cell Biology finding a commonly used chemotherapy drug ...

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