Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression in new fathers connected to relationship insecurities

Becoming a parent often brings great joy, but not always. Parenthood also entails challenges, stress and, for some people, it can trigger depression. A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that male postnatal depression ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tough childhood damages life prospects

An adverse upbringing often impairs people's circumstances and health in their adult years, especially for couples who have both had similar experiences. This is shown by a new study, carried out by Uppsala University researchers, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smacking young children has long-lasting effects

Children who have adverse experiences such as being smacked at the age of three are more likely to suffer from poor mental health and have behavioral problems through to age 14, according to a study led by UCL researchers.

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity is not only the individual's responsibility

Research based on 5425 citizens' responses to a questionnaire survey has illuminated that obesity causes are linked to various factors in addition to the individual's current socioeconomic circumstances, including childhood ...

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