
Scientists pinpoint how a single genetic mutation causes autism

Last December, researchers identified more than 1,000 gene mutations in individuals with autism, but how these mutations increased risk for autism was unclear. Now, UNC School of Medicine researchers are the first to show ...

Medical research

Extra chromosome 21 removed from Down syndrome cell line

(Medical Xpress)—University of Washington scientists have succeeded in removing the extra copy of chromosome 21 in cell cultures derived from a person with Down syndrome, a condition in which the body's cells contain three ...

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Chromosome abnormality

A chromosome anomaly (chromosome abnormality) reflects an atypical number of chromosomes (karyotype) or a structural abnormality in one or more chromosomes. Chromosome anomalies usually occur when there is an error in cell division following meiosis or mitosis. There are many types of chromosome anomalies. They can be organized into two basic groups, numerical and structural anomalies.

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