
Which exercise regimen works best to ease lower back pain?

Chronic lower back pain can make the most routine tasks difficult. But a new study suggests patients can learn new, practical and less painful ways to move through individualized "motor skills training," or MST.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What we see affects what we feel

Chronic back pain is reduced when people watch a real-time video of their back for a short time. Watching it also increases the effectiveness of therapies such as massage. This has been shown by studies conducted by the team ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Oh my aching back: Do yoga, tai chi or qigong help?

It's a pain. About 80 percent of adults in the United States will experience lower back pain at some point. Treating back pain typically involves medication, including opioids, surgery, therapy and self-care options. Efforts ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

More autonomy at work reduces the risk of low back pain

A team of psychologists from Technische Universität Dresden, in cooperation with experts from health sciences and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, has carried out a meta-analysis to identify psychosocial ...

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