Medical research

New clues point to relief for chronic itching

A common side effect of opioids is intense itching—a problem for some patients who need the drugs for pain relief and for others fighting addiction.

Medical research

Researchers look into the brains of chronic itch patients

It's long been known that scratching evokes a rewarding and pleasurable sensation in patients with chronic itch. Now, researchers in the Department of Dermatology and Temple Itch Center at Temple University School of Medicine ...


Potential new target identified for treating itch

Researchers have found how sensory nerve cells work together to transmit itch signals from the skin to the spinal cord, where neurons then carry those signals to the brain. Their discovery may help scientists find more effective ...


Molecular biomedical expert discusses the sensation of itch

Santosh Mishra is an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences. He studies the neurological pathways involved in itch, in order to help us understand why and how we feel this sensation. He was ...

Medical research

Researchers identify brain areas activated by itch-relieving drug

Areas of the brain that respond to reward and pleasure are linked to the ability of a drug known as butorphanol to relieve itch, according to new research led by Gil Yosipovitch, MD, Professor and Chairman of the Department ...

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