Psychology & Psychiatry

Well-being and the rise of psychotherapy in Uganda

Perspectives on happiness and mental health differ across the world. While some cultures view suffering and unhappiness as inherent, circumstantial aspects of existence, others view any degree of unhappiness as a personal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola in the DRC: Expert sets out critical lessons learned in Liberia

Ebola in the Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) has now spread to urban areas. The Conversation Africa's Moina Spooner spoke to Mosoka Fallah who was head of case detection during Liberia's ebola outbreak in 2014 and 2015 about ...


Health care under attack in Syria civil war: study

Health care workers, clinics and hospitals were attacked more than 400 times last year in Syria's civil war, according to data gathered with the mobile phone application WhatsApp, a medical journal reported Friday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

When children see war as better than peace

For most people, the end of a war offers relief, hope, and an end to violence. This may not be the case for children born of wartime rape, however, who often endure continued brutality in the post-war period.

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