Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Social clubs fill gap in dementia support

Community-based social groups could play a crucial role in empowering people with early-onset dementia, according to new UBC research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

More sport-based mental health interventions needed for young males

Sports-based interventions show great promise in supporting positive change in mental health outcomes—but few mental health interventions have specifically targeted young males in sport settings, and Flinders University ...


How sport can tackle violence against women and girls

Sport is central to the lives of many Australians. This isn't simply a reference to participation levels, but the importance of sport as a social institution. Organised sport, from the elite level though to local community ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Arizona faces new closures as hospitals prep for virus surge

Arizona hospitals are hiring out-of-state nurses, squeezing in more beds and preparing for the possibility of making life-and-death decisions about how to ration care as they get ready for an expected surge of coronavirus ...

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