Psychology & Psychiatry

Bullied teens' brains show chemical change associated with psychosis

Researchers have found that adolescents being bullied by their peers are at greater risk of the early stages of psychotic episodes and in turn experience lower levels of a key neurotransmitter in a part of the brain involved ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Streamlining cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia

A combination of cognitive and behavioral strategies, ideally delivered in person by a therapist, maximizes the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), according to new research. CBT-I is a form of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Narcissism and its impact on psychotherapy

Narcissistic personality traits are related to poorer response to psychotherapeutic treatment. This is the result of a German multi-site study with more than 2,000 participants receiving inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy. ...

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