
Breakthrough discerns normal memory loss from disease

(Medical Xpress)—Cornell researchers have developed a reliable method to distinguish memory declines associated with healthy aging from the more-serious memory disorders years before obvious symptoms emerge. The method ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Inside the minds of murderers

(Medical Xpress)—The minds of murderers who kill impulsively, often out of rage, and those who carefully carry out premeditated crimes differ markedly both psychologically and intellectually, according to a new study by ...


Vascular markers linked to cognitive decline in diabetes

(HealthDay)—Stroke and subclinical markers of macrovascular disease are associated with cognitive decline in older adults with type 2 diabetes, according to a study published online April 11 in Diabetes Care.


Scientists devise unique stroke assessment tool

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have devised a unique screening instrument that provides a 'one-stop' brain function profile of patients who have suffered stroke or other neurological damage.

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