Psychology & Psychiatry

Study looks at brain flow, and how people achieve it

You are playing such an intense video game and are focused so intently on getting to the next level that you don't know what is going on around you. You have no sense of time passing. You feel great. You are "in the zone." ...


Feast or forage: Study finds circuit that helps a brain decide

MIT neuroscientists have discovered the elegant architecture of a fundamental decision-making brain circuit that allows a C. elegans worm to either forage for food or stop to feast when it finds a source. Capable of integrating ...


Brief period of 'blindness' is essential for vision

Fixational eye movements are tiny movements of the eye—so small we humans aren't even aware of them. Yet they play a large role in our ability to see letters, numbers, and objects at a distance.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Wandering minds and dysfunctional emotions

Most of us experience the world in two different states of mind. In one, we're attentive and focused on what we're doing, and in the other we wander through our mental landscape. These states of mind wandering occur 30 to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Face masks protect us but disguise feelings

Masks protect people from contracting the coronavirus, but could have a negative side effect. In a recent Perspective paper, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences suggest that the ...

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