Medical research

Study identifies a key protein for healthy aging

Life expectancy and healthy aging in mice can be determined by a protein present in some cells of the immune system, according to a study published in the journal Cell Reports. When this protein—known as the CD300f immune ...


Study reveals a driver of brain cell damage in neurodegeneration

Scientists have long known that the complement cascade, a set of immune system proteins, protects against infection in the body. But in recent years, researchers have uncovered new roles for the system in the brain, including ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our tastes influence our creativity

The more we like our ideas, the faster we give them shape. But to be creative, we need to focus on out-of-the-box thinking. This is what Alizée Lopez-Persem and Emmanuelle Volle, Inserm researchers at Paris Brain Institute, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study: Diabetes and tooth loss together worsen cognitive decline

Having both diabetes and tooth loss contributes to worse cognitive function and faster cognitive decline in older adults, according to a new study published in a special issue of the Journal of Dental Research focused on ...


Regular napping linked to larger brain volume

Daytime napping may help to preserve brain health by slowing the rate at which our brains shrink as we age, suggests a new study led by researchers at UCL and the University of the Republic in Uruguay.

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