
Extreme weather is bad for your heart

A study conducted as part of the EXHAUSTION project has found an adverse connection between extreme temperatures and heart health, drawing attention to yet another consequence of climate change. The research has linked cold ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cool room temperature inhibited cancer growth in mice

Turning down the thermostat seems to make it harder for cancer cells to grow, according to a study in mice by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The study, published in the journal Nature, found that chilly temperatures ...


Seven tips for exercising safely during a heatwave

When summer temperatures soar, the idea of working out might be the furthest thing from your mind. But just because it's hot doesn't mean you can't still squeeze a workout in if you want to, though there are a few adjustments ...


Yes, women might 'feel the cold' more than men. Here's why

We all have different preferences for when it's the right time to bring out the winter blankets. And the thermostat's setting often forms the basis of office arguments between women and men regarding the "correct" temperature ...


Why do I need to pee more in the cold?

You're taking a stroll through the park on a cold winter's morning, when it hits you—the need to find a bathroom, and quick! This didn't used to happen in summer.

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