
Why do I need to pee more in the cold?

You're taking a stroll through the park on a cold winter's morning, when it hits you—the need to find a bathroom, and quick! This didn't used to happen in summer.


Polar penis: The hazards of winter sports

The Olympics has concluded with almost 3,000 athletes, showcasing their skills to the world. While slips, trips and falls are common on the ice and snow, causing embarrassment and injury, spare a thought for Finnish cross-country ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness can help you work better in the cold and wet

Mindfulness can be used by people who work in extremely cold and wet environments to tolerate low temperatures better and so carry out tasks that require motor skills more effectively, according to research published in the ...

Medical research

Immune cell betrayal explains why it gets colder as we age

Human evolution has provided us a level of protection from the existential threat of cold temperature with the capacity to produce heat from fat stored in the body. However, with age, people become more susceptible to cold ...

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