Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hidden blood in feces may signal deadly conditions

(HealthDay)—Even if it's not visible to the naked eye, blood in the stool can be serious—a sign of a potentially fatal disease other than colon cancer, new research suggests.

Medical research

Scientists link excess sugar to cancer

Sugars are needed to provide us with energy and in moderate amounts contribute to our well-being. Sustained high levels of sugars, as is found in diabetics, damages our cells and now is shown that can also increase our chance ...

Oncology & Cancer

Plant compounds give '1-2' punch to colon cancer

The combination of two plant compounds that have medicinal properties - curcumin and silymarin - holds promise in treating colon cancer, according Saint Louis University research published in the June 23 issue of the Journal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Bacteria play critical role in driving colon cancers

Patients with an inherited form of colon cancer harbor two bacterial species that collaborate to encourage development of the disease, and the same species have been found in people who develop a sporadic form of colon cancer, ...


Scientists find link between antibiotics and colon cancer

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen, NHS Grampian and Queen's University Belfast have found that antibiotic use may increase the risk of developing colon cancer, potentially more so among younger people.


Diabetes linked to bacteria invading the colon, study finds

In humans, developing metabolic disease, particularly type 2 diabetes, is correlated with having bacteria that penetrate the mucus lining of the colon, according to a study led by Drs. Benoit Chassaing and Andrew Gewirtz ...

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