Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Nocturnal GERD tied to non-infectious rhinitis

(HealthDay)—Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) appears to be a risk factor for non-infectious rhinitis (NIR), according to a study published online March 24 in Allergy.


Possible link between E-cigs, risk of infections

(HealthDay)—Vapor from electronic cigarettes may increase young people's risk of respiratory infections, regardless of whether or not it contains nicotine, according to a new laboratory study reported in a recent issue ...


Cold virus replicates better at cooler temperatures

The common cold virus can reproduce itself more efficiently in the cooler temperatures found inside the nose than at core body temperature, according to a new Yale-led study. This finding may confirm the popular yet contested ...


How to tell a cold from an allergy in winter

If your "common cold" has been hanging around for more than a week, it may not be a cold at all. It might actually be an allergy disguised as a cold.

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