Autism spectrum disorders

Using robots to help children with autism

(Medical Xpress)—Her name is Charlie, and the purple bows sitting on top of her head are the prettiest thing about her. But her looks are not what matter – which is good because she's green. Charlie is a robot designed ...


Vt. struggles to rebuild mental health system

(AP) -- The remnants of Hurricane Irene did what policymakers hadn't been able to accomplish for more than a decade - close the state's antiquated psychiatric hospital.


Understanding causes of obesity in Aboriginal children

To fully understand the causes of the obesity epidemic in Aboriginal children requires an understanding of the unique social and historical factors that shape the Aboriginal community. A review article published in Applied ...


All TV and no talking makes Jack a dull boy

By encouraging reading, talking and playing, providing a range of books and toys, visiting a library, keeping TV time to a minimum and taking their child to preschool, parents can dramatically improve their child’s language ...

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