Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality helps people to comfort and accept themselves

Self-compassion can be learned using avatars in an immersive virtual reality, finds new research led by UCL. This innovative approach reduced self-criticism and increased self-compassion and feelings of contentment in naturally ...


The internal compass: A modular map in the brain

Landmarks like a church steeple or a yellow house on the corner play an important role in the ability to navigate. But so does an internal compass, thought to be supported by specialized neurons in the brain—called "head-direction" ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress reduction program reduces teacher burnout

(HealthDay)—Teachers show improvements in burnout, psychological symptoms, and classroom performance after participating in an eight-week stress reduction intervention modified specifically for their profession, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can meditation make you a more compassionate person?

Scientists have mostly focused on the benefits of meditation for the brain and the body, but a recent study by Northeastern University's David DeSteno, published in Psychological Science, takes a look at what impacts meditation ...

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