Gerontology & Geriatrics

Exercise harder if you want to ward off pain due to ageing

Those hoping to avoid one of the worst side effects of aging—bone, joint and muscle pain that doesn't go away—might need to exercise a lot harder and more often than previously believed.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Could there be a bright side to depression?

(Medical Xpress)—A group of researchers studying the roots of depression has developed a test that leads them closer to the idea that depression may actually be an adaptation meant to help people cope with complex problems ...

Medical research

Study shows women and men react differently to strain and stress

How did the pandemic and the measures taken to get it under control affect the quality of life and mental health of men and women? This question was investigated by a team from the University Hospital Würzburg. The findings ...


Blood pressure drug could help problem drinkers

A drug used to treat high blood pressure may alleviate anxiety induced by long-term heavy alcohol use, and also halt the damage such drinking can cause to the brain's ability to grow new cells, QUT research shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Children need self-regulation to learn

A considerable amount of development takes places in the brains of young children. Children experience a steep increase in their cognitive skills—including self-regulation—at an early age. What exactly is self-regulation? ...


Newly discovered scaffold supports turning pain off

(Medical Xpress) -- Johns Hopkins scientists have discovered a "scaffolding" protein that holds together multiple elements in a complex system responsible for regulating pain, mental illnesses and other complex neurological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the mind processes complex spatial information

Northwestern University's David H. Uttal will discuss a program that has enhanced students' learning at a variety of levels, from basic spatial reasoning to solving complex problems involving the coordination of numerous ...


Misogyny in medicine impacts us all

Over the last week or so, there has been widespread condemnation of a letter to the editor penned by a retired British anesthetist and published in a U.K. newspaper.

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