
Why are sight and sound out of sync?

The way we process sight and sound are curiously out of sync by different amounts for different people and tasks, according to a new study from City, University of London.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five tips to help you make the most of reading to your children

Reading to your child is one of the most successful ways of instilling a love of reading in them. But in our recent study, more than one-quarter of primary-school-aged respondents claimed they were never read to at home.


How spatial navigation correlates with language

Cognitive neuroscientists from the Higher School of Economics and Aarhus University experimentally demonstrate how spatial navigation impacts language comprehension. The results of the study have been published in NeuroImage.


Senate Republicans pull plug on latest Obamacare repeal bid

US Senate Republicans abandoned their latest plan to dismantle Obamacare Tuesday when it became clear that President Donald Trump's party did not have the votes, assuring the 2010 health reforms survive for the foreseeable ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research suggests that Phonics is the best way to teach reading

Research published today in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General has shown that learning to read by sounding out words (a teaching method known as phonics) has a dramatic impact on the accuracy of reading aloud ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do we learn to read?

The sign on the public car park in the tiny Tasmanian town of Wynyard reads, "Egress from this carpark is to be via the access lane in the rear."


Ability to process speech declines with age

Researchers have found clues to the causes of age-related hearing loss. The ability to track and understand speech in both quiet and noisy environments deteriorates due in part to speech processing declines in both the midbrain ...


Redrawing language map of brain

For 140 years, scientists' understanding of language comprehension in the brain came from individuals with stroke.

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