Psychology & Psychiatry

Gambling and obsessive-compulsive behaviors linked

Problem gambling and obsessive-compulsive behaviors share genetic as well as behavioral links, according to a study by researchers at Yale, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. ...


Brain clue signals anxiety, depression in some kids

The discovery of a biomarker in the brains of those with neurodevelopmental disorders—such as autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – may offer hope to families looking ...


Presenteeism: A new word for working when sick

Colleagues who work with runny noses, sore throats and clammy skin are as seasonal as the flu. Yet are sick employees workplace troopers or are they insecure about their jobs?


Australia to legalise MDMA and magic mushrooms for medical use

Australia's drugs watchdog on Friday announced that psychedelic substances MDMA and psilocybin—more commonly known as ecstasy and magic mushrooms—will soon be used in the treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Real-time brain feedback can help people overcome anxiety

(Medical Xpress)—People provided with a real-time readout of activity in specific regions of their brains can learn to control that activity and lessen their anxiety, according to new findings published online in the journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study of brain networks shows differences in children with OCD

A new study by scientists at the Wayne State University School of Medicine demonstrates that communication between some of the brain's most important centers is altered in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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