Medical research

Tourette-like tics vanish in mice treated with histamine

Yale scientists produced increased grooming behavior in mice that may model tics in Tourette syndrome and discovered these behaviors vanish when histamine—a neurotransmitter most commonly associated with allergies—is ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When hoarding becomes a health problem

Hoarding is a recognized mental health condition and should be treated as such—without the stigma associated with high-profile cases seen in the media, a UNSW clinical psychologist says.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Train the brain to form good habits through repetition

You can hack your brain to form good habits – like going to the gym and eating healthily – simply by repeating actions until they stick, according to new psychological research involving the University of Warwick.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A burst from the blue: is bulimia nervosa really a modern disease?

Named in a scientific paper for the first time in 1979, bulimia nervosa has been studied extensively since. But while researchers explore its causes, diagnosis and treatment, the origins of the condition have attracted considerably ...


'Error neurons' play role in how brain processes mistakes

New research from Cedars-Sinai has identified neurons that play a role in how people recognize errors they make, a discovery that may have implications for the treatment of conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder ...


Brain circuit can tune anxiety

Anxiety disorders, which include posttraumatic stress disorder, social phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder, affect 40 million American adults in a given year. Currently available treatments, such as antianxiety drugs, ...

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