
Virtual brain gives insights into memory deficits in depression

During a depressive episode, the ability of the brain to form new brain cells is reduced. Scientists of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum examined how this affects the memory with a computational model. It was previously known ...


Neural prosthetic device can help humans restore memory

A team of scientists from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Southern California (USC) have demonstrated the first successful use of a neural prosthetic device to recall specific memories.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Short-term memory is more flexible than thought

(Medical Xpress) -- A theory that has been widely accepted for many years can be overturned: our short-term memory does not limit itself to remembering four to seven things at the same time. Groundbreaking research demonstrates ...


Going for a run could improve cramming for exams

Ever worried that all the information you've crammed in during a study session might not stay in your memory? The answer might be going for a run, according to a new study published in Cognitive Systems Research.


Neuroscience to benefit from hybrid supercomputer memory

Motivated by extraordinary requirements for neuroscience, IBM Research, EPFL, and ETH Zürich through the Swiss National Supercomputing Center CSCS, are exploring how to combine different types of memory – DRAM, which is ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

How the smell of food can enable 'time travel'

Older people exposed to food flavors from their youth were able to "time travel" back to the past with an enhanced memory of the event.


Reactivating memories during sleep improves motor skills

Practice makes perfect, but sleep helps, too. Learning and executing a new motor skill can be enhanced if you can get additional memory processing during sleep, according to new research published in JNeurosci.

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