
Q&A: Building models of the brain to take them apart

Kanaka Rajan describes herself as an ever-curious, "stick-my-finger-in-the-electrical-socket kind of person" who enjoys working with her hands. Forays into engineering and experimental neuroscience led Rajan to her true calling: ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows leukemia cells activate cellular recycling program

In a recent study, scientists led by Professor Stefan Müller from Goethe University's Institute of Biochemistry II investigated a specific form of blood cancer known as acute myeloid leukemia, or AML. The disease mainly ...


A wave theory for explaining neurochemical balance in the brain

In a new study, a group of researchers led by Dr. Joshua Goldberg from the Hebrew University describe a new kind of neurochemical wave in the brain. Their research, published in Nature Communications, unveils the existence ...


AI helps bring clarity to LASIK patients facing cataract surgery

While millions of people have undergone LASIK eye surgery since it became commercially available in 1989, patients sometimes develop cataracts later in life and require new corrective lenses to be implanted in their eyes. ...


Researchers say chemo drug may prevent heart failure

A chemotherapy drug used to fight bone-marrow cancer has the potential to treat and prevent potentially deadly heart failure, a powerful new drug-screening tool developed at UVA Health suggests.

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