Psychology & Psychiatry

When does planning interfere with achieving our goals?

It seems really simple: If you want to achieve something, set a goal and then make specific plans to implement it. But according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, consumers get overwhelmed while juggling ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

In analyzing a scene, we make the easiest judgments first

Psychology researchers who have hypothesized that we classify scenery by following some order of cognitive priorities may have been overlooking something simpler. New evidence suggests that the fastest categorizations our ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's to be diagnosed online

(Medical Xpress)—The early onset of Alzheimer's disease could be detected using a simple online test, according to scientists from the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at The University of Queensland (UQ).

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Exercise/memory research for Parkinson's

Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the Baltimore VA Medical Center have launched a study of exercise and computerized memory training to see if those activities may help people with Parkinson's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gaming the flu: How we decide to get vaccinated, or not

(Medical Xpress)—As the flu season approaches, public health officials will be campaigning to get people vaccinated, and each of us will have to decide whether to take their advice or not. How will we make those decisions? 

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