
Breast cancer drug could help more patients

For the first time, a drug targeting a protein that drives breast cancer growth has been shown to work against tumors with very low levels of the protein.

Medical research

New technique may lead to safer stem cell transplants

For hard-to-treat leukemias, lymphomas and other blood cancers, stem cell transplantation is the gold standard of care. The procedure involves replacing a patient's own blood-forming stem cells with a donor's stem cells, ...

Medical research

An asthma vaccine effective in mice

Inserm teams led by Laurent Reber (Infinity, Toulouse) and Pierre Bruhns (Humoral Immunity, Institut Pasteur, Paris) and French company NEOVACS have developed a vaccine that could induce long-term protection against allergic ...

Medical research

Shelf-stable vaccines avoid waste, expand access

More than 50% of all vaccines are wasted due to errors in transportation or storage, according to the World Health Organization. A research team led by Northwestern and Cornell universities has developed a new manufacturing ...

Medical research

A faster way to make antibody-drug conjugates

A USC School of Pharmacy-led team has engineered a new, faster way to make drugs that precisely target malignant cells—while leaving healthy tissue undamaged—that could lead the way to better treatments for numerous types ...

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