Psychology & Psychiatry

Examining moral courage in the operating room

Danielle Quintana, certified perioperative nurse and assistant clinical professor at the University of Houston College of Nursing, has conducted the first concept analysis on surgical conscience among perioperative nurses, ...


Judge grants injunction in Hobby Lobby case

(AP)—A federal judge is temporarily exempting Hobby Lobby Inc. from a provision in the new federal health care law that requires it to offer insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar birth control or face ...


Brain-damaged Dutch Prince Friso transferred home

Dutch Prince Friso, brain-damaged after being buried by an avalanche in Austria last year, has been transferred from a London hospital to receive treatment at his mother's residence in the Netherlands, the royal palace said ...


UK court rules against euthanasia (Update)

A British appeals court upheld a law against euthanasia in rejecting appeals from two severely disabled men who argued that doctors should be allowed to legally kill them.