Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Icing muscle injuries may delay recovery

A study using a mouse model of eccentric contraction has revealed that icing injured muscles delays muscle regeneration. The discovery was made by a research group including Associate Professor ARAKAWA Takamitsu and then ...


EU publishes redacted AstraZeneca vaccine contract

The European Commission published a redacted version of its contract with drugs giant AstraZeneca on Friday, hoping to prove the company had breached a commitment on coronavirus vaccine deliveries.


EU rejects AstraZeneca vaccine contract claims

A senior EU official on Wednesday contested drug company AstraZeneca's explanation for a delay in vaccine deliveries and stressed Brussels is demanding it fulfil its contract.


EU nears deal with Valneva for COVID-19 vaccine

The European Commission announced Tuesday that it has concluded exploratory talks with Franco-Austrian biotechnology laboratory Valneva for the possible purchase of up to 60 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine.

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