Oncology & Cancer

New study supports mammography screening at 40

Women in their 40s with no family history of breast cancer are just as likely to develop invasive breast cancer as are women with a family history of the disease, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting ...


Not dead yet: Junk DNA is back

A controversy at last: most of our DNA is junk, no it isn't, yes it is. Actually, I think it is – up to 90% really is junk.

Oncology & Cancer

Guidelines for prostate screening widely ignored

New research confirms that the controversial decision by Warren Buffet – the 81-year-old CEO of Berkshire Hathaway – to undergo a blood test screening for prostate cancer despite his age is hardly unusual. Despite ...


Bicycle helmets prevent fatal head injuries

Cyclists who died of a head injury were three times as likely to not be wearing a helmet compared with those who died of other injuries, according to a study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).


What do vaccine passports mean to you?

With more than 120 million U.S. residents fully vaccinated and eager to visit book stores and restaurants again, some businesses may require people to show vaccine credentials to prove that they have received their shots. ...


Should scientists be allowed to genetically alter human embryos?

Scientists have at their disposal a way to explore the possible prevention of genetic diseases before birth. But should they? Currently, the most promising path forward involves editing the genes of human embryos, a procedure ...

Oncology & Cancer

Hormone replacement therapy—clarity at last

The British Menopause Society and Women's Health Concern have today released updated guidelines on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to provide clarity around the role of HRT, the benefits and the risks. The new guidelines ...

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