Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Marathoners, take your marks... and fluid and salt!

Legend states that after the Greek army defeated the invading Persian forces near the city of Marathon in 490 B.C.E., the courier Pheidippides ran to Athens to report the victory and then immediately dropped dead. The story—and ...


Take a bath 90 minutes before bedtime to get better sleep

Biomedical engineers at The University of Texas at Austin may have found a way for people to get better shuteye. Systematic review protocols—a method used to search for and analyze relevant data—allowed researchers to ...


How many calories do you burn? It depends on time of day

Researchers reporting in Current Biology on November 8 have made the surprising discovery that the number of calories people burn while at rest changes with the time of day. When at rest, people burn 10 percent more calories ...


Astronauts may get space fever

(HealthDay)—Weightlessness apparently causes astronauts' body temperatures to run a little hot while in space, a new study reports.


Is it OK to run in heat of 30C or more?

Most of Britain is experiencing a heatwave, with temperatures reaching up to 32℃. The public health watchdog for England has issued an amber health warning, advising people to take care in the hotter weather. But what does ...

Medical research

Keeping the rhythm in space

Space is an inhospitable environment for the human body but we adapt remarkably well. Within hours, the brain adjusts to the lack of an up or down, as if floating is all it has ever known. Now researchers are learning how ...


Fat cells step in to help liver during fasting

How do mammals keep two biologically crucial metabolites in balance during times when they are feeding, sleeping, and fasting? The answer may require rewriting some textbooks.


Method using tarp to cool person with heat stroke is effective

A team of University of Arkansas researchers has found that, if a tub of ice water is not available for cooling someone who is suffering from exertional heat stroke, making a "taco" out of a tarp to immerse the person in ...

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