
3Qs: Health in America

The newly released 11th edi­tion of Modern Nutri­tion in Health and Dis­ease has been called an "author­i­ta­tive ref­er­ence on nutri­tion and its role in con­tem­po­rary med­i­cine, nursing, and public policy." ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

In lab, drug-on-the-cob fights rare disease

Biologists in Canada have made a medical enzyme using genetically-engineered corn, a feat that could one day slash the cost of treating a life-threatening inherited disease, a journal reported on Tuesday.


US denies name change for disputed sweetener

US regulators Wednesday denied a request to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to merely "corn sugar," in a high-profile dispute between two industries.

Medical research

Tasting fructose with the pancreas

Taste receptors on the tongue help us distinguish between safe food and food that's spoiled or toxic. But taste receptors are now being found in other organs, too. In a study published online the week of February 6 by the ...

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