Oncology & Cancer

Researchers find new treatment for prostate cancer

Professor Fahri Saatcioglu at University of Oslo's Department of Biosciences (IBV) heads a research group investigating how androgens – male sex hormones – affect the risk of being affected by prostate cancer. The researchers ...


Anti-seizure medication has a new target

An anti-seizure medication acts on unexpected molecular targets, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Oncology & Cancer

Protein transformation drives cancer development

A change in function in a mitochondrial antioxidant protein increases stem cell gene expression that promotes the development of more aggressive cancerous cells, according to a recent Northwestern Medicine study published ...

Medical research

Scientists turn back the clock on adult stem cells aging

Researchers have shown they can reverse the aging process for human adult stem cells, which are responsible for helping old or damaged tissues regenerate. The findings could lead to medical treatments that may repair a host ...


Mouthwashes may suppress SARS-CoV-2

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is an airborne disease transmitted via aerosols, which are spread from the oral and nasal cavities—the mouth and the nose. In addition to the well-known division and spread of ...

Medical research

Can vaping scar your lungs? New insights and a possible remedy

Researchers report evidence that the compounds in e-cigarette liquid could potentially cause the body's tissue repair process to go haywire and lead to scarring inside the lungs. The new study, conducted in cell cultures, ...

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