Psychology & Psychiatry

Proposed ASD criteria diagnose most children with PDD

The study indicates that the criteria, which are still under review and must be approved by the APA Board of Trustees, work best when both parental and clinical observations are incorporated in diagnosis.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eye movements and the search for biomarkers for schizophrenia

(Medical Xpress)—There is a long history of research on impaired eye movements associated with schizophrenia. Using a series of simple viewing tests, researchers of a new paper in Biological Psychiatry explored the ability ...

Oncology & Cancer

NIH releases large-scale dataset of CT images

(HealthDay)—To help improve detection accuracy of lesions, the National Institutes of Health (NIH)'s Clinical Center has made available a large-scale dataset of 32,000 annotated lesions identified on computed tomography ...

Radiology & Imaging

AI improves chest X-ray interpretation

A sophisticated type of artificial intelligence (AI) can detect clinically meaningful chest X-ray findings as effectively as experienced radiologists, according to a study published in the journal Radiology. Researchers said ...

Health informatics

Giving AI penalties to get better diagnoses

Anyone waiting for the results of a medical test knows the anxious question: "Will my life change completely when I know?" And the relief if you test negative.

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