
Bangladeshi twins born joined at skull to undergo surgery

Bangladeshi twins born conjoined at the skull will undergo a difficult and potentially dangerous operation to separate them, surgeons said Wednesday as they appealed for help from global medical experts.


Understanding HIV's persistence

Most cells in the human body have a limited lifespan, typically dying after several days or weeks. And yet, HIV-1 infected cells manage to persist in the body for decades. Current treatment for HIV is very effective at suppressing ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

How to prepare your teen for that first ob-gyn visit

(HealthDay)—A teen's first visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist can be intimidating, so one gynecologist offers moms some tips to help make the experience easier for daughters.


Fathers' brains respond differently to daughters than sons

Fathers with toddler daughters are more attentive and responsive to those daughters' needs than fathers with toddler sons are to the needs of those sons, according to brain scans and recordings of the parents' daily interactions ...

Medical research

Some mother cells kick DNA damage 'down the road' to offspring

A new University of Colorado Boulder study has shown that some dividing human cells are "kicking the can down the road," passing on low-level DNA damage to offspring, causing daughter cells to pause in a quiescent, or dormant, ...

Medical research

Study helps explain varying outcomes for cancer, Down Syndrome

Aneuploidy is a condition in which cells contain an abnormal number of chromosomes, and is known to be the cause of many types of cancer and genetic disorders, including Down Syndrome. The condition is also the leading cause ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are looks more important than personality when choosing a man?

When mothers and their daughters have to choose potential partners, they do not look much further than skin deep. Mothers are not quite as picky though, and will choose a man who is only reasonably attractive for their daughters. ...

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