Medical research

Social jetlag is a real health hazard

Social jetlag -- a syndrome related to the mismatch between the body's internal clock and the realities of our daily schedules -- does more than make us sleepy. It is also contributing to the growing tide of obesity, according ...


3Qs: It may be daylight saving, but we're losing an hour

This weekend we turn the clocks forward an hour for the return of daylight saving time, which means we lose an hour of sleep. We also have to do things an hour earlier than we did before relative to the natural light and ...


Always sleepy after the change to daylight saving time?

(HealthDay)—You lost an hour's sleep overnight Saturday when the clocks moved ahead. But there are a number of things you can do to cope with the switch to daylight saving time, a sleep expert says.


Time to retire daylight saving time, urges researcher

Change is upon us once again. Come the first Sunday of November, we will gain an hour of morning sunlight. The one-hour adjustment to the clock on the wall may not sound dramatic. But our biological clock begs to differ.

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