Psychology & Psychiatry

The lottery: You're (very likely) not going to win, so why play?

Sixty years ago last week, New Hampshire became the first U.S. state to allow a government-run lottery following a nationwide ban of lotteries in 1895. Why did Americans grow to disfavor the lottery then? Moreover, considering ...

Medical economics

Building a healthier state from the inside out

If Australia wants better results from its annual $180 billion dollars health care services expenditure, health economists must play a key role in decision-making to improve the efficiency of local hospitals and health networks.


10 insights to reduce vaccine hesitancy on social media

Effective population level vaccination campaigns are fundamental to public health. Countercampaigns, which are as old as the first vaccines, can disrupt uptake and threaten public health globally.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Key regulator of decision-making pinpointed in brain

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have new insight on what goes on inside people's heads as they make decisions to obtain information about the future.

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