
When it comes to communication skills—maybe we're born with it?

From inside the womb and as soon as they enter the world, babies absorb information from their environment and the adults around them, quickly learning after birth how to start communicating through cries, sounds, giggles, ...


Brain cortex may regulate the need for sleep

Researchers at the University of Oxford have now uncovered a new target for sleep investigations within the mammalian brain—the cerebral cortex. The paper was published today in Nature Neuroscience.


What does the sleeping brain think about?

We sleep, on average, one third of our time. But what does the brain do during these long hours? Using an artificial intelligence approach capable of decoding brain activity during sleep, scientists at the University of Geneva ...


Sleep warning for older men

Men aged 65 and over should monitor their sleep patterns and seek medical advice after a warning from Flinders University experts that disrupted slumber can be linked to cognitive dysfunction.


Deep sleep takes out the trash

A new Northwestern University study reaffirms the importance of getting a good night's sleep.


Researchers study wind farms and sleep disruption

As wind power generation becomes more important, experts in Australia are examining whether wind farm turbine background noise in the environmental can affect sleep and wellbeing of nearby residents.

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