
When cooking outside, don't let food safety slide

(HealthDay)—Food is a big part of many Fourth of July celebrations. But take care when making and storing your meal, so that a bout of food poisoning doesn't ruin the rest of your holiday plans, a dietary expert advises.


How sex, sunshine and exercise makes us sneeze

As the dreaded flu season approaches you might want to consider this—research shows that a sneeze can travel up to 70cm and it can be caused by sunshine, exercise and even sex.


Searing heat, high humidity a threat to your health

(HealthDay)—Hot, humid weather will blanket much of the eastern United States the first half of this week, putting millions of people at risk for heat-related health problems.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study challenges best way to position women during childbirth

New research is challenging what many obstetricians and physician anesthesiologists believe is the best way to position women during labor. According to a study published in the February issue of Anesthesiology, the official ...

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