
Walking with Pokemon

Augmented reality is when apps and games overlay a real-time camera feed with images, characters and data to provide all kinds of interactive experiences. Pokémon GO is a very popular augmented reality game and University ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Designing antibodies to fight the flu

The influenza virus is an annual threat to public health around the world. Rapid changes in viral surface proteins (antigens), however, make it difficult to identify antibodies with broadly neutralizing activity against different ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists design protein that prods cancer-fighting T-cells

Scientists at UW Medicine's Institute for Protein Design (IPD) in Seattle have created a new protein that mimics the action of a key immune regulatory protein, interleukin 2 (IL-2).  IL-2 is a potent anticancer drug and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is your 'experience diet' making you unwell?

Just as our food diet affects our physical and emotional health, so does our "experience diet". This is the day-to-day mix of the things we do, see, hear and feel. And, just like our food diet, the quantity, quality and balance ...

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