Medical research

PCP genetic pathway acts as stop sign for cell growth

The genetic pathway that regulates the way cells align themselves relative to each other has been found to act as a "stop sign" that signals organisms when to halt cell growth, according to new research published by biologists ...


Study finds high exposure to food-borne toxins

In a sobering study published in the journal Environmental Health, researchers at UC Davis and UCLA measured food-borne toxin exposure in children and adults by pinpointing foods with high levels of toxic compounds and determining ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows microRNAs can trigger lymphomas

A small group of immune-regulating molecules, when overproduced even moderately, can trigger the blood cancers known as lymphomas, according to a new study led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI).

Medical research

Treading a common path to metabolic maintenance

Fruit flies and humans both rely on hormones secreted by insulin-producing cells (IPCs) for metabolic maintenance and the regulation of numerous other physiological processes. In some ways, fly IPCs differ considerably from ...


Cause of cystic kidneys explained

Sylvia Hoff, a graduate student from the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), has identified a new gene that causes cystic kidneys in children and young adults. The work by the PhD student Sylvia Hoff and ...

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