Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows sitting up helps babies learn

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by Rebecca J. Woods, assistant professor in the human development and family science department at North Dakota State University, shows sitting up, whether by themselves or with assistance, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Divorce can hit children under age five especially hard

(Medical Xpress)—Divorce is difficult for any family, but for young children it can lead to long-term behavioral problems not experienced by older children or by children of unwed parents who separate, according to a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kindergarten readiness: Are shy kids at an academic disadvantage?

Parents of young children hope for a successful kindergarten experience that will set their youngsters on the right path of their educational journey. Some worry about their kids not adapting to the school environment, particularly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Savvy tots to grown-ups: 'Don't be such a crybaby'

Children as young as three apparently can tell the difference between whining and when someone has good reason to be upset, and they will respond with sympathy usually only when it is truly deserved, according to new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids' language often misleads in testimony

(Medical Xpress) -- Children often use language differently than adults when referring to a person or thing, which can result in misleading testimony, according to a new Cornell study.

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