
Study takes wider view at household size, children's development

Researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas' School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) are taking a more detailed look at how children's language development is influenced by the number of people in their households.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Helping children see the signs

Remember when your little league football team lost the game because someone ran the ball back into their own end zone? Take heart, one University of Alberta researcher says it may be the player's unfamiliarity with perceiving ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Genes may play role in educational achievement, study finds

Researchers have identified genetic markers that may influence whether a person finishes high school and goes on to college, according to a national longitudinal study of thousands of young Americans. The study is in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Preschoolers know good vs. bad sources of info

(Medical Xpress)—Young children are not like sponges just soaking up information. They can actively evaluate what people know and go to the "experts" for information they want, reports a Cornell study published in a special ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Boys who mature rapidly have more depression

(Medical Xpress) -- Boys who reach sexual maturity more rapidly than their peers have more problems getting along with others their age and are at a higher risk for depression, according to a Cornell study published in Developmental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychopathic traits in teenagers not cast in stone

Most youths are concerned about other people's feelings, they feel bad or guilty when they have done something wrong and they adhere to social rules. A small group of youths, however, does not. These youths express psychopathic ...

Attention deficit disorders

How parents can help moderate the development of ADHD symptoms

Parents of young children with an excitable or exuberant temperament could adapt their parenting style to help moderate their child's potential development of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), according to ...

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