Psychology & Psychiatry

Lifelong payoff for attentive kindergarten kids

Attentiveness in kindergarten accurately predicts the development of "work-oriented" skills in school children, according to a new study published by Dr. Linda Pagani, a professor and researcher at the University of Montreal ...

Autism spectrum disorders

A better approach to diagnosing autism

As the number of children with autism increases nationwide, the need for effective and consistent clinical diagnosis is growing. A statewide committee recently published new guidelines designed to ensure health professionals, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study lists top psychologists of modern era

Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Ivan Pavlov, Charles Darwin – all eminent scientists who made major contributions to the understanding of human and animal behavior. They achieved their lofty reputations primarily during the 19th ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows sitting up helps babies learn

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by Rebecca J. Woods, assistant professor in the human development and family science department at North Dakota State University, shows sitting up, whether by themselves or with assistance, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids who lack sympathy more likely to share with virtuous friends

Children who sometimes lack sympathy for others are more likely to share resources with those friends if they respect their morals suggests a paper published today (March 2, 2015) in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mothers nurture emotions in girls over boys, new study finds

A new study published today in The British Journal of Developmental Psychology has found that conversations mothers have with their daughters tend to contain more emotional words and content, than the conversations they have ...

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