Psychology & Psychiatry

Bullied kids often develop physical symptoms, study says

(HealthDay)—Kids who are the victims of bullies are often reluctant to report the abuse. But a new study shows that frequent and unexplained physical symptoms are common in bullied children, and experts say they can be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childrens' decision making—Rules of thumb are learned with time

Children as young as nine years old use rules of thumb systematically when making decisions. But they are not as good as older children at telling when it is helpful to do so. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Savvy tots to grown-ups: 'Don't be such a crybaby'

Children as young as three apparently can tell the difference between whining and when someone has good reason to be upset, and they will respond with sympathy usually only when it is truly deserved, according to new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Chronic aggressive behavior in boys: Epigenetic sources?

Chronic aggressive behaviour exhibited by some boys from disadvantaged families may be due to epigenetic changes during pregnancy and early childhood. This is highlighted by two studies conducted by a team led by Richard ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotion knowledge fosters attentiveness

Young children, who possess a good understanding of their own emotions and of those of their fellow human beings early on, suffer fewer attention problems than their peers with a lower emotional understanding. Evidence of ...


Could baby's tummy bacteria help spur colic?

(HealthDay)— Colic is a common problem for babies, and new research may finally provide clues to its cause: A small study found that infants with colic seemed to develop certain intestinal bacteria later than those without ...

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