
5 ways to cut the fat from your diet

About half of all Americans take steps to limit or avoid saturated fats, the kind found in foods like fatty red meat and cream. But fewer than one-third stick to the limit set by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to keep ...


Confused about what to eat? Science can help

Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? Do you want science-based information about diet but don't know whom or what to believe?


Red and white meats are equally bad for cholesterol

Contrary to popular belief, consuming red meat and white meat such as poultry, have equal effects on blood cholesterol levels, according to a study published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


Food system improvements could make it easier to eat healthier

A science advisory from the American Heart Association describes system-wide innovations to the U.S. food system that are sustainable and have the potential to make it easier for consumers to choose healthy foods. The advisory ...

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