
A diverse diet may not be the healthiest one

Encouraging people to eat a wide variety of foods to ensure they meet all their dietary needs may backfire, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association that provides an overview of recent scientific ...


Federal food aid to Puerto Rico high in salt, sugar

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September of 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began distributing emergency food. An analysis of 10 consecutive days of federal food aid delivered during the aftermath ...

Oncology & Cancer

Strawberries safe for children with cancer

A new review from researchers at the University of York suggests dietary guidelines for children with cancer should be changed to allow them to eat strawberries and other fresh foods while undergoing chemotherapy.


Where do grains fit in your diet?

(HealthDay)—To cut calories, you may be tempted to cut out carbs in the form of grains. But that could be a mistake—for a variety of reasons.


Why whole grains are the healthier choice

Want to be a healthier eater? Focus on whole grains. These unrefined grains are linked to a lower risk for heart disease, certain cancers and other health problems.


Diet guidelines biased against poor nations: study

Researchers here at ESC Congress are calling for a reconsideration of global dietary guidelines in light of new data presented today on fat intake and cardiovascular risk and mortality.


Revisiting dietary fat guidelines

Researchers here at ESC Congress are calling for a reconsideration of global dietary guidelines in light of new data presented today on fat intake and cardiovascular risk and mortality.

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