Oncology & Cancer

Does eating processed meats cause colorectal cancer?

They're integral to summer, as ubiquitous as a zinced-up nose or a backyard cricket game. From December onward, walk into any gathering and processed meats are being served. It's the bacon sizzling on the barbecue, the cured ...


Vegetable intake linked to reduced risk for type 2 diabetes

Vegetable intake is associated with a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D), while potato intake does not increase risk after accounting for underlying dietary pattern, according to study published online Dec. 5 in Diabetes ...


Certain dietary patterns may raise risk for developing IBD

(HealthDay)—Dietary patterns are associated with the risk for developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with an increased risk for Crohn disease (CD) seen in association with a Western dietary pattern and an increased ...

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