
New dietary guidelines for Americans

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been updated to include, for the first time, recommendations across the lifespan.


New US dietary guidelines: No candy, cake for kids under 2

Parents now have an extra reason to say no to candy, cake and ice cream for young children. The first U.S. government dietary guidelines for infants and toddlers, released Tuesday, recommend feeding only breast milk for at ...


Water may be an effective treatment for metabolic syndrome

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered that fructose stimulates the release of vasopressin, a hormone linked to obesity and diabetes. They also found that water can suppress the ...


Quinn on Nutrition: Diabetes update

What's new in the field of nutrition for people with diabetes? Lots, according to registered dietitian nutritionist and certified diabetes care and education specialist, Mary Ann Hodorowicz. In a recent webinar for nutrition ...


Study weighs impact of sugar vs. whole fruit on blood pressure

Brace yourselves, folks. Another firehose of holiday menu choices is rushing your way. Savvy eaters are planning ahead, deliberating over age-old questions: Go for the cider and pumpkin cookies? Or opt for an apple and some ...

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