
Postbiotics: The new kid in the gut health family

When it comes to our health, most of us have heard of prebiotics and probiotics and know something about their benefits to our digestive system (even if it's hard to tell them apart), but what about postbiotics?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why are animal-to-human diseases on the rise?

From COVID-19 to monkey pox, Mers, Ebola, avian flu, Zika and HIV, diseases transmitted from animals to humans have multiplied in recent years, raising fears of new pandemics.

Inflammatory disorders

Scientists develop compound that reverses gut inflammation in mice

A drug developed by Salk Institute researchers acts like a master reset switch in the intestines. The compound, called FexD, has previously been found to lower cholesterol, burn fat, and ward off colorectal cancer in mice. ...


Why am I bloated? Here are some possibilities to consider

If your tummy seems to feel full or stretched and is rumbling all the time, you're not alone. Up to 30% of people of all ages experience bloating, with symptoms such as gassiness, a sense of fullness and pressure.

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