
Researchers discover cause of rare congenital lung malformations

Most rare diseases are congenital—including CPAM (congenital pulmonary airway malformations). These are airway malformations of the lungs that can lead to severe breathing problems in some affected newborns and can be associated ...


Acetaminophen may be less heart-safe than previously thought

The common painkiller acetaminophen was found to alter proteins in the heart tissue when used regularly at moderate doses, according to a new study conducted in mice. Researchers presented their work at the American Physiology ...


Untangling the threads of early onset dementia

Changes in personality, behavior and language are hallmarks of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), the most common form of dementia in patients under the age of 65, which is associated with degeneration of the frontal and temporal ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New tool detects signs of motor neuron disease before symptoms begin

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and international partners, have identified a new way to detect signs of motor neuron disease (MND) in brain tissue that can pick ...

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